At Ogletree Deakins Paris, we believe that a commitment to universal access to justice is a social and professional obligation.
The firm encourages Pro-Bono activities in France as well as in all countries where the firm is present. Pro-Bono activities concern all our employees, regardless of their hierarchical level, their years of experience, the office and the department to which they belong.
Our Pro-Bono actions in France are part of our global CSR policy.
With a focus on sustainability, they are closely linked to our long-term goals: to ensure that the firm contributes to strengthening, transforming and creating value in its business by positively impacting the environment around it. In all of our 55 offices around the world, our investment and dedication to excellence in service is also reflected in our commitment to helping improve life in the society around us.
A. Our Pro-Bono philosophy
Ogletree Deakins encourages Pro-Bono activities in France as well as in all countries where the firm is present. Pro-Bono activities involve all of our employees, regardless of their hierarchical level, their years of experience, or the office and department to which they belong.
Our Pro-Bono actions in France are part of our global CSR policy.
With a focus on sustainability, they are closely linked to our long-term goals: to ensure that the firm contributes to strengthening, transforming and creating value in its business by positively impacting the environment around it. In all of our 55 offices around the world, our investment and dedication to excellence in service is also reflected in our commitment to help improve life in the society around us.
B. Our Pro-Bono activities in France
Paris Bar Solidarity
The firm has signed a partnership agreement with the Barreau de Paris Solidarité endowment fund.
The firm is thus involved in a major volunteer operation launched by the Paris Bar Association to help the most disadvantaged people.
In this context, the firm’s lawyers participate in free legal consultations in the “Solidarity Bus”, free standby sessions, in partnership with the city of Paris and the association Droits d’urgence.
On a voluntary basis, our lawyers offer their skills and provide free legal consultations in the Bus de la solidarité, in humanitarian and charitable associations, as well as in associative structures of reception and social action. In particular, the firm’s volunteer lawyers provide monthly telephone hotlines in labor law, in partnership with the Cité des Métiers.
Café Joyeux
The firm supports “Café Joyeux”, a social enterprise that employs and trains people, mainly with Down’s syndrome or cognitive disorders such as autism.
Committed to the professional integration of people with disabilities, and to changing the way people look at differences, particularly in the workplace, the firm has equipped its premises with “Café Joyeux” coffee machines, and buys its coffee from the social enterprise.
University sponsorships
Ogletree Deakins, a firm dedicated to employment law, works closely with the academic world, in keeping with its commitment to the transmission, sharing and professional integration of legal students.
For the academic year 2022-2023, our firm is pleased to sponsor the classes of Bachelor 3, Master 1 and Master 2 Corporate Lawyer of the University Paris-Saclay / University Evry Val Essonne.
Our firm is proud to accompany the students of this fine class of “Ogletree Deakins” in the various projects we will partner with throughout the year. We started this partnership by having the privilege of hosting the eloquence competition that took place in our offices on December 5, 2022. There will be many other projects throughout 2023.
During the 2021-2022 academic year, the Firm sponsored the “Ogletree Deakins” class of the Master 2 DPRT (Droit et Pratique des Relations de Travail) at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. The firm is committed to passing on its experience and passion for the legal profession to students.
The financing of numerous projects, the organization of company visits, trial simulation workshops, practical pleading exercises, eloquence competitions and a symposium at the Palais du Luxembourg are concrete examples of the commitment of the firm’s lawyers to students.
Partnership with the Legal Clinic of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Ogletree Deakins has been a partner of the Sorbonne’s Legal Clinic for the past 3 years.
Our lawyers work alongside the students of the Clinic’s social division to enable them to provide quality legal information to their claimants (individuals or legal entities). In this way, we contribute to facilitating access to the law while promoting the training and professionalization of legal students.
La Clinique Juridique is an association under the French law of 1901 attached to the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. It is the result of a voluntary student initiative, institutionalized within the Sorbonne Law School, and responds to the needs of students to put their knowledge into practice. Our firm assists them on a pro bono basis.
Our firm’s expertise in labor law, both in consulting and litigation, is mobilized within the framework of this partnership for the review of labor law cases and the organization of joint workshops.