individual and collective labour relations.
Our training lawyers can come to your premises anywhere in France. All our training courses are also available on a distance learning or hybrid access basis.
The firm attaches particular importance to the training of its clients, and in particular to the training of lawyers and non-lawyers in the companies it advises who wish to deepen their knowledge of employment law on specific subjects (managers) or benefit from ongoing information on current employment issues.
As part of this support approach, our firm, which is a registered training body, offers themed legal training courses covering all issues of employment law and social protection law, as well as sessions on current employment issues.

Each course is interactive and can be tailored to the specific needs of your company. They provide an opportunity for professionals (lawyers and employers) to exchange feedback and propose operational solutions in the ‘field’ adapted to the company’s situation.
All Ogletree Deakins training courses are designed for professionals dealing with employment law issues: HRDs/HROs, directors, managers, lawyers, payroll and compensation & benefits specialists.