In this case, the group provident insurance contract taken out by the employer allowed the insurer to suspend the payment of supplementary daily allowances on the advice of the medical expert. When the medical expert declared the employee fit to work, the insurer suspended the payment.
The employee then appealed to the industrial tribunal, which ruled in her favor: the insurer’s suspension of compensation had occurred “outside the framework” of the applicable collective agreement… (Read more)

In principle, the termination or non-renewal of a group insurance contract has no effect on the payment of benefits acquired or accrued during its term (such as supplementary daily allowances and disability pensions). In this case, the insured’s pathology had led to his total incapacity for work, as confirmed by a medical certificate issued at a time when he had already terminated his membership of the group provident contract taken out through an association known as the “Madelin law”… (Read more)

In a decision dated September 11, 2024, the French Supreme Court (Cass. Soc., September 11, 2024, no. 22-10.204) ruled on the possibility for an employee to avail himself of the benefits attached to his employment contract in the event of a contractual transfer of the latter. In this case, a company had taken out a death benefit contract with an insurer. An employee of this company died, and his heirs requested payment of this lump sum… (Read more)