2023 could be dubbed the year data privacy and its relevant legislation come to the forefront of Parliaments and presses. In nearly every corner of the world, data privacy legislation can be found impacting everyday life — and not just because we’re privacy professionals. This year, anticipate jurisdictions to iterate or build
on pre-existing or proposed legislation to keep up with evolving technology while other nations scramble to get some skin in the game and establish a comprehensive privacy law. The IAPP gathered predictions from privacy professionals in 56 nations across six continents and presented them in this white paper so you can see what may play out across the world from on-the-ground experts.

France predictions by Cécile Martin, Managing Partner – Ogletree Deakins 

Among the various privacy trends we can anticipate for France this year, we can probably mention the sphere of the working world and the willingness of France’s DPA, the « Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés », to regulate the increasing collection of personal data on smartphone apps.
Indeed, whether it is in the recruitment process, work contracts, attendance or interviews, companies have considerably invested in artificial intelligence. While not new, this massive arrival of algorithms in the work environment can systematize biases that could deprive certain job applicants or employees from opportunities in terms of hiring or promotion. It is therefore highly likely that litigation related to these issues will increase.
With regard to the collection of personal data by apps, the CNIL announced in its 2022-2024 strategic plan that, in view of the opacity of technologies and the heterogeneity of practices, it aims to make data flows visible and strengthen the compliance of apps in order to better protect the privacy of users. In order to implement this strategy, the CNIL intends to focus on certain topics to raise the awareness among users and lead a European version of the approach.



Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour accéder au livre blanc complet / Please click on the link below to access the full publication :

=> IAPP 2023 Global Legislative Predictions

IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals


=> Vous souhaitez être accompagné(e) en France ou dans le monde, en gestion des données personnelles, ou être mis en relation avec nos avocats, contactez-nous / If you need assistance with data privacy issues, in France or in the world, or to get in touch with our lawyers, contact us : communicationFR@ogletree.com


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